all postcodes in M50 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M50 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M50 2GE 2 53.476344 -2.299775
M50 2GF 3 53.475684 -2.297495
M50 2GL 23 53.478076 -2.297165
M50 2GN 9 53.479049 -2.299763
M50 2GQ 2 53.479084 -2.292907
M50 2GR 22 53.479535 -2.292247
M50 2ZY 15 53.479829 -2.29683
M50 2GT 4 53.475755 -2.290806
M50 2GY 11 53.475126 -2.294207
M50 2GZ 3 53.476984 -2.29889
M50 2NP 10 53.480285 -2.29825
M50 2PQ 4 53.478401 -2.292782
M50 2PU 5 53.477184 -2.294462
M50 2QL 5 53.477117 -2.299675
M50 2QP 2 53.477828 -2.291588
M50 2QW 4 53.476498 -2.298766
M50 2RP 4 53.478614 -2.293868
M50 2SN 3 53.478547 -2.291819
M50 2TR 1 53.479339 -2.288178
M50 2TS 1 53.476557 -2.293523